الكويت 1984 تكنولوجيز

رحلة في العالم الرقمي 

شركة ١٩٨٤ انك للاختبارات الرقمية و موقعها الكويت. تعتبر ١٩٨٤ انك بيئة اختبار آمنة و تقوم  على أساس البحث و التطويرالرقمي  و هو يعتبر اساس عمالنا. نسعى للتعرف و الوصول الي اخر ما توصل اليه العالم الرقمي من تطورات في مختلف القطاعات.

نقوم بتصميم الحل الرقمي لمشروعك  بشكل يعطي للمستخدم تجربة ، نحدد فيها الهدف من الاستخدام  و ليسمح لك بالتوسع والتطوير السريع حيث نعتمد على التصميم البسيط لمعرفة الهدف و نساعدك بتحديث عملك بشكل تدرجي للوصول إلى النتائج المناسبة باستخدام وسائل الإحصاء الرقمية.

#Data is a powerful tool for your business #Data is a powerful tool for your business

#Data is a powerful tool for your business ...

3 0
#UI #kuwait #UI #kuwait

#UI #kuwait ...

9 0
Things aren’t always #000000 and #FFFFFF #colorc Things aren’t always #000000 and #FFFFFF #colorcoding #ux #uidesign

Things aren’t always #000000 and #FFFFFF #colorcoding #ux #uidesign ...

15 1
Simplicity #uxdesign Simplicity #uxdesign

Simplicity #uxdesign ...

7 0
Time can be an ally or an enemy.. Happy 2020 ! #19 Time can be an ally or an enemy.. Happy 2020 ! #1984technology #1984inc #2020 #Kuwait

Time can be an ally or an enemy.. Happy 2020 ! #1984technology #1984inc #2020 #Kuwait ...

10 1
Following #design #principals Following #design #principals

Following #design #principals ...

18 1
E-Stores app ! Experience and Development of Websi E-Stores app ! Experience and Development of Website / iOS and Android ... Support our friends start of their Digital Journey by clicking on the link in their account bio @estoresapp .. #gaming #gamers #videogames

E-Stores app ! Experience and Development of Website / iOS and Android ... Support our friends start of their Digital Journey by clicking on the link in their account bio @estoresapp .. #gaming #gamers #videogames ...

9 1
#Details matter .. #userexperience #Details matter .. #userexperience

#Details matter .. #userexperience ...

9 1
Without #big #data, you are blind and deaf and in Without #big #data, you are blind and deaf and in the middle of a freeway

Without #big #data, you are blind and deaf and in the middle of a freeway ...

35 1
It’s how it #works that #counts in the end .. #u It’s how it #works that #counts in the end .. #uxdesign

It’s how it #works that #counts in the end .. #uxdesign ...

15 2
#bigdata is not an option anymore. #bigdata is not an option anymore.

#bigdata is not an option anymore. ...

61 1
#Cloud #Storage is part of #Digitaltransformation #Cloud #Storage is part of #Digitaltransformation

#Cloud #Storage is part of #Digitaltransformation ...

13 1
#Development #Journey. #Development #Journey.

#Development #Journey. ...

16 1
عيدكم مبارك و كل عام و انتم بخير Happy Eid and we wish you a pleasant holiday #1984inc #happyeid

عيدكم مبارك و كل عام و انتم بخير Happy Eid and we wish you a pleasant holiday #1984inc #happyeid ...

11 1
#JPG vs #PNG vs #GIF vs #SVG . #Image #Format #JPG vs #PNG vs #GIF vs #SVG . #Image #Format

#JPG vs #PNG vs #GIF vs #SVG . #Image #Format ...

58 6
Engaging with our products through a usability tes Engaging with our products through a usability test. .. #UX #ui #uxui #kuwait.

Engaging with our products through a usability test. .. #UX #ui #uxui #kuwait. ...

20 3
So did you actually ask users or you were just gue So did you actually ask users or you were just guessing ? #uxui #userexperience #empathy

So did you actually ask users or you were just guessing ? #uxui #userexperience #empathy ...

28 3
#Ignoring #users is #expensive. #Ignoring #users is #expensive.

#Ignoring #users is #expensive. ...

18 3
1984inc - نانتين ايتي فور تكنولوجيز الكويت - نعطي للمستخدم تجربة